Updates from the Keane Family


Dear Friends and Family,

We want to thank our staff, residents and families for their continued understanding and support during these unprecedented times.

Every day our heroic team continues to provide extraordinary care while adapting to social distancing and maintaining a healthy environment. The safety of our residents is always our number one priority.

We are in this together, and we will continue to provide ongoing updates to this web page as we receive additional information. Once again, thank you for your understanding and continued support. Stay safe and healthy.

John & MaryEllen

   Family Communication

   COVID-19 Testing at Sunnyside Manor

Due to privacy law requirements, we are not able to divulge specific information about any individuals with suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19. If you would like to learn about any suspected or confirmed cases at Sunnyside Manor, we encourage you to review the New Jersey COVID-19 Data Dashboard for Long Term Care facilities at covid.nj.gov.


    Comments and Complaints

We want to hear from you. In the event you have an urgent matter to discuss, we encourage to call us at (732) 528-9311 or email us at COVID@sunnysidemanornj.com.

Current News

image of mother and daughter at Sunnyside Manor

Creating a Legacy: A Family Guide to Preserving Seniors’ Stories

4 Inspired ways to capture your loved ones’ stories and share their legacy. Have you wished you could replay a…
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Sunnyside Manor Residents Celebrate National Genealogy Day with Fascinating DNA Results

[WALL, NJ] – In honor of National Genealogy Day, residents of Sunnyside Manor came together for a unique celebration about…
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image of resident using computer

Keeping Seniors Safe Online: 8 Tips for Caregivers

Plus, see our online safety basics guide for seniors. More seniors than ever are online, and that’s good news! Seniors…
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