Sunnyside Manor’s Senior Living Health Tips: Fall Prevention for Seniors

Did you know that falls are the leading cause of injury among seniors? According to National Institutes of Health, more than one in three people over age 65 falls each year. And, that risk increases with age.

There are many reasons why seniors are at a high risk for falls. Normal changes as the body ages, such as changes in vision and slower reflexes, can increase risk. So can medications that have dizziness or confusion as a side effect.

Not only do falls cause physical injury, but seniors may avoid activities they enjoy due to fear of falling.

Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to help your loved one stay safe and confident. Here are seven tips for preventing falls. (Join us for “Fall Prevention: Staying Safe Strategies” on June 29th —see below— for more.)

  1. Schedule an appointment with your loved one’s physician.
    • Review any illnesses that may impair balance.
    • Understand the side effects of medications, especially those that may cause dizziness.
    • Discuss any past falls and risk factors, such as weakness in the legs.
  2. Remove trip hazards in the home.
    • Look for wires, piles of newspapers or magazines, and items on the floor near doors and stairwells, and remove them.
    • Paint raised thresholds in the home a bright color.
    • Remove clutter from stairwells and hallways.
    • Secure area rugs with double-sided tape or a non-slip backing.
  3. Assess lighting in the home.
    • Make sure stairwells and hallways are well lit.
    • Install nightlights in bathrooms and hallways.
    • Place an easy to operate lamp next to your loved one’s bed for nighttime needs.
  4. Prevent slips in the bathroom.
    • Put down a no-slip surface in the shower, such as a shower mat or adhesive grips.
    • Have safety bars installed near the toilet and in the shower. Consider a shower chair as well.
  5. Review railings.
    • Check on the condition of banisters and railings inside the home and outdoors.
    • Secure loose railings, and install banisters if any are missing.
  6. Be smart about shoes.
    • The shape and size of the feet change as people age. Have your loved one fitted for shoes that are comfortable, sized correctly, and appropriate for their level of activity.
  7. Exercise!
    • Boost confidence and improve balance with exercise. Water aerobics, gentle yoga, and tai chi are wonderful, gentle exercises that help with balance and strength. Look for programs specifically designed for seniors.

Learn more about fall prevention for seniors.

Thursday, June 29, 2017, 6:00 – 7:00 pm, Refreshments to Follow

Join Jane Drucker, BSN, RN-BC at Sunnyside Manor for Fall Prevention: Staying Safe Strategies. Ms. Drucker will offer instruction for creating a safe environment, plus you’ll learn balancing exercises that will keep you on your feet and feeling confident! Please RSVP to Sunnyside Manor at 888-862-2964.

The all new Sunnyside Manor, located in Wall NJ, is the area’s premier senior living community. It features three distinctive neighborhoods: Independence ‘Plus’ Assisted Living, Memory Care and Skilled Nursing.

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